Life’s Lessons: Godly Intuition

There are clear spiritual dimensions to every trial we face. We find that during the mid-life crisis (or any other difficult trial we will face), we will discover various spiritual gifts that begin to be “triggered” into existence because of the immense amounts of stress we will endure through during this time.

One of those gifts is our Godly Intuition. Now, I do not doubt that some of you probably already think these things are a figment of our imagination. It is your loss, if you think or feel that way. However, I can almost guarantee that more than a few of you understand what I am speaking of.

Some people refer to this gift, as their “gut instinct,” and “listening to their gut.” I often ask people that I know has this gift, “What does the Lord say?”

To make myself perfectly clear, the Lord and the gift of intuition is one and the same-there are no differences in these aspects.
Our intuition is the still small voice within that does not shout. It is there for a purpose, because God is determined that He will not leave us all alone to face these things. In addition, there will not always be someone there to intervene/help.
For that reason, there is also an aspect of intuition that must also be developed. This gift, that supports our intuition, is called Discernment. It simply means “knowing the difference.”

One of the most effective ways to develop your intuition is to be able to accept everything you hear regardless if it is good or bad. It is very informational. If you remain open at all times, your intuition can tell you what is ahead. Learn to trust that still, small voice, and know that God is working, even as He is speaking to your heart.

Intuition reveals itself in different ways within different people. My own intuition involves my mind and my heart. God’s Voice speaks itself into me that way. I do not have “gut feelings” anymore. I used to, but once my intuition went into place, many years ago, these stopped.

For me, there also comes a physical sign, but I never reveal what that is, because it is mine alone. If made aware of this aspect, Satan can attempt to “mimic” what God does. Although Satan cannot read our minds, nor our hearts, he can read what we write, hear what we say, and read our countenance(facial gestures). Based on what Satan sees within a given situation, he can and will interject various thoughts into our minds to see if he can influence us in wrong ways.

I have had the experience of the devil “planting” random thoughts before, but knowing/discerning the difference between him and the Lord has kept me from going a wrong direction, and prevented me from getting hurt.

The difference between the devil’s voice and the Lord’s is unmistakable. The devil’s is a sing-song sarcastic voice, while the Lord’s is just the opposite, a very calm, and still type of voice.
The tones between the two are even different. As your gift of intuition continues to strengthen, it comes to a point where you will know what you know, and it is what you know that counts the most. No one can shake your faith, belief, and knowing, because your trust is strong.

Many a fight/argument has gotten completely out of control because the devil got into it, planting bad thoughts into each of the combatant’s minds in an attempt to trick them into having the thoughts come out their mouths-once spoken, it cannot be unspoken.

That is why the Bible says we need to keep our thoughts captive in Christ. It is so the devil cannot get a foothold (that can lead to a stronghold) in our minds. What is in our minds always stands the chance of coming out of our mouths. One must always be careful, because there is a direct “line” or “chain” that is linked together, whether for good or bad is up to each one of us.

What is within the heart, the mind will usually follow, and what is within the mind, the mouth will sometimes, but not always, follow. We do have the capacity to speak life or death over our personal life’s situations. Satan seeks to exploit this very aspect.
I am not afraid of the devil, but I am not going to give him ammunition to fight me. I keep certain secrets guarded heavily to protect me.

As my husband and I struggled forward, we would have times of disagreement, and the devil would try to “plant” thoughts in the hope that one of us would speak wrongly. Knowing/discerning when this would happen, I had to fight hard not to say what I was hearing. Along with this ‘planting’ of wrong words and thoughts, there is always temptation. Satan sounds reasonable, even while he is twisting the known truth.

My husband was startled one day to hear me rebuke the devil aloud. It is the only way Satan can hear you is for you to speak the rebuke. The devil was fighting me hard that day, and I was honest with my husband about it. I got a very funny look from him, but it did not matter.

It is a never-ending battle, because Satan is one whose job is to test your strength, your faith, your fortitude, and your belief in God. Satan always seeks to discredit your intuition, and because he cannot read your mind, he really is shooting in the dark. Guard yourself closely, and speak no more than necessary. The less you speak, the less likely Satan will know what is within your thoughts.

Fear, the rare times I feel it, does come from my stomach area, but God has come in and calmed me many times when I have cried out to Him for help.

I am also equipped with the gift of discernment, which always helps me tell the difference between the thoughts I am experiencing within-whether it be fear or my intuition.

My intuition is a major guiding force in my life, but I still have control of it. God is not going to force His people to “hear” Him no more than He is going to force us to love Him, trust Him, have faith Him, and believe in Him. He knows He would cause great psychic damage if He sought to force His way into our minds, so He allows us to choose for ourselves how, and when He will come in to speak.

In order to allow God to come forth and speak within me, my free will must be submitted to His Will. Another way my intuition works is by accepting pieces of information that seem to come out of nowhere at times. These “pieces” are designed to help me, and are another aspect of the gift of intuition called, “knowings.” I trust these “knowings” more than my own thoughts.

I have written many things that came strictly from my intuition, and as a human being they did not make sense to me, but they always made sense to the person I gave these to.

I had to learn to trust myself, and what I was hearing. Some things I have written in the past, and even now, have probably hurt people’s feelings at times, but speaking truth is something that you cannot compromise. God is never pleased when “sugar coating” is utilized. The message that comes has to come word for word, no changes. The change of one or more words changes the entire message to mean something other than what it was meant to mean.

I listen very carefully to what the Lord has to say. However, because of the human being I still am, there have been past mistakes on my part, because I allowed my personal feelings to get in the way. The Lord has always dealt with me in this area if and when, this happens.

There will be some things that you will be “told” or “know” that you will not be able to say, because most of these involve decisions, surrounding free will, that must only be made by the individual they concern. You will only be able to advise, but not tell all you know.

You will sometimes find Him directing you into certain places for a purpose, as your intuition will prompt you at what seems to be odd times, but always at a right time. The Lord has been known to send me into certain places at certain times. It is one of the reasons, I seem to be “right on time” to answer a question or write down something needed.

Using your intuition requires a mental and emotional adjustment on your part. As it becomes a normal part of your life, you will no longer fear what comes to you. The more intuition is used, the stronger it will become.

As you give over to and begin to trust your intuition more fully, you will gain enough confidence in yourself to begin helping others. Through these actions, you will see things improve in your own situation.

It has everything to do with being willing to step forth, give help unto others, and through what you speak/write down, you will also find your own answers.

When my intuition first opened, I was only receiving things on and about myself. This allowed me to begin trusting what I was hearing. The Lord would give me little things that I would see come to pass, as I continued to adjust to this gift.
When I started receiving information on other people, I was completely terrified.

However, in time, my intuition began to speak more plainly, as the Lord encouraged me to give back what I had been given. I began reaching out to others, and developed into another gift of having insight on particular situations. The Lord encouraged me to post what He was giving me, and He helped me to learn to get past the fear of being wrong. Most of what I posted in those early days I felt as if I were striking out into the dark. However, I knew that if I were off the mark, someone would let me know.

I was shocked to see that I was hitting the mark consistently. As I continued to exercise this gift, I began to trust myself more, and leaned even more on the Lord for what was needed.

With that said, I do not receive something to say for everyone, only certain ones at certain times. I do not know why that is, but I accept this. I have always thought that it was because no one person can help everyone at one time.

Intuition is very useful in helping us to strengthen out trust in the Lord. To know it is Him that speaks, and to always know each time He speaks.

You may find yourself standing alone at times, but never alone, because you know that God is always with you. If you remain open to the Lord, your spirituality will increase because of this trial. It is positive growth, any way you look at it.

Every spiritual gift we are given bears a physical price, but God will increase our strength to bear this burden of responsibility. Yet, there are times when we will “run out of steam.” Those are the times when we have to rest in order to recharge our spiritual batteries.

The use of the gifts I carry make me very tired. When this happens, I, too, have to recharge to bring my energy level back up so I can start again.
I add this as a warning, because intuition drawn upon frequently, whether by you, or by someone else who continually seeks answers from you, will exhaust you.

Every person should learn to develop their own gift of intuition because God always seeks to make a direct connection with each of His children. If one is always seeking to “draw” on someone’s gift of intuition, they will fail to develop their own. No one was ever meant to always go to another human person for the answers they should be directly seeking God to attain.

His Word says, “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” Take the time to seek Him for all you need, and in time, you, too will develop this much-needed gift of intuition, and the discernment that aligns itself.
God will take care of the rest.

Food for thought.

Since 2002, Hearts Blessing has been a pioneer in the area of knowledge and information written about the Mid Life Crisis. The owner and author of she writes articles that help people learn more about this confusing time of life. The main goal of this site is to help people know and understand that no matter what happens, every situation works out to the good of those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose. :)
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