God’s Role Within the Mid-Life Crisis

To know God, is to realize that He is the maker and creator of all things known to man.  Therefore, it stands to reason that right along with everything else He has fashioned and formed, He is the major spiritual part that actually drives the mid-life crisis.

Our purpose upon this earth is to learn the various life lessons that His Word speaks of at different points, and the purpose of the Transition that comes in the middle of life is to trigger our emotional growth, and in this process, bring it into full maturation.  There are people who would deny the very existence of God, but to deny Him does not erase the clear fingerprints He leaves upon the lives of human beings during their time spent on earth.

It would benefit a person going through their transition, or someone who is observing their spouse during this time, to understand that God can and will help, all they need to do is ask, and learn to follow His lead during this time.  Although He allows bad things to happen to good people, everything that happens always works to the good, as God can take the most evil of situations, and still work them out.  All things are possible, if one will believe, have faith, and keep the light of hope alive.

 One will learn during this time, that there are no shortcuts given to accelerate this crisis to its end.  God, in His infinite wisdom, has made certain there is no way over, under or around the experience at hand; the only way out is through.  Since He created every human being, He knows us well, not to mention all the various “tricks” any one person can try in an attempt to avoid the crisis.

God is also responsible for the “time factor” that contributes to the length of crisis.  After all, He was the one who initially set the requirements for completion of this particular trial.  He could come in at any time, and heal all issues related to the mid-life crisis, but He does not choose to do this. 

Why?  Because, if He delivered everyone from every trial they encountered, there would be no benefit gained, and so, the time spent within any given trial, is time well-spent learning all the lessons one is given.  God knew these aspects when He set down the requirements needed to reach the end of any given trial, not just the mid-life crisis.

Unfortunately, He is one of the many issues a person suffering within the mid-life crisis must resolve, as very real angst against God, and all He stands for, becomes clear as they travel deeper into the transition.  They may fight Him tooth and nail, bargain with Him, blame Him for their states of mind, spirit and body, even attempt to twist His goodness into justification for the sin they may choose to commit during their time in transition.

 Yet, God does not remain idle during this time.  He works quietly in the background, ensuring their journey contains all the aspects designed and tailored to their personal transition.  He knows what makes them tick, and He knows what it will take to bring them through this personal trial.  He watches for the times He can work freely, as these are the times when He can do His best work.  God also nudges the spouse in crisis forward at “right” times, speaking words of wisdom into their hearts in an effort to guide them forward. 

 He works steadily within their hearts, emotions, delving deeply within their very souls in response to the many prayers sent up by the spouse that still chooses to stand for their marriage because of love, and the very real hope that remains within their heart.

 Although God will work within any person’s heart in response to prayer, He will not, under any circumstances, alter their actual thought processes.  Free will, given by God as a gift to all men, dictates this aspect.  Though God has the capability to do whatever He chooses, He chooses to allow people to keep their own power of decision.  He will allow people to make wrong decisions because it helps increase clarity within the lesson learned from the experience.

He works on both sides of the equation, as He not only works on the person in crisis, but also does work on the spouse who has chosen to wait and see how this mid-life crisis will resolve.  He teaches people, directly or indirectly how to cope with what is happening, reveals things they can do to aid the process forward and more importantly, He encourages them to build a stronger relationship with Him.

He provides help when it is needed the most, continually walking alongside of the hurting spouse, even to the point of carrying them in His arms when they cannot walk another step.  He remains at their side, even in the dead of the night when they cannot sleep, and cry out to Him for support. 

 He guides them through the deepest of valleys, the swiftest flowing streams, and the steepest of mountains.  He gives them rest when they are weary, the bread and water of knowledge, wisdom and understanding when they are hungry and thirsty, and bestows upon them His “peace that surpasses all understanding”, when the antics of their spouse in crisis seem to overwhelm them.

He strengthens them spiritually, encourages them to stand firmly in the midst of this great battle, and most of all, He gives them His great love that wraps them in a blanket of comfort.  His heart identifies closely with that of the hurting spouse, because He walked this road of pain long before any of us were born. 

He has suffered abandonment, heartache, betrayal, sorrow, true pain, and deep suffering.  He knows what it is like to be all alone and face something that seems too great to face.  He is best qualified to turn to when it comes to our earthly suffering, because of His divine understanding and insight into our human state; after all, He knows us better than we know ourselves.

If not for Him, most people would have given up on their spouses in crisis long ago.  Yet, God works in mysterious ways, sending people of His choosing to intervene, intercede, and come alongside of the hurting spouse.  He has an ongoing “network” of believers whom He has gifted for tasks such as these, and He works through the same people to help guide others who are walking this road never before taken.

He knows exactly what people need even before they have a need.  Long before the crisis came forth; He was preparing this same “network”, and orchestrating the events ahead of time so the paths would cross between the one who had walked this before, and the ones who would need help.  Through this aspect, people can always attain the help they need, and as time marches forward, as it always has, they will learn even more about God’s role within their personal situations. 

As a personal testimony to the great goodness of God, I have been there, walked this same road, and learned to know God as well as anyone can know Him.  I have observed His many miracles, both in my life, and within the lives of others.  I have also seen Him work within the lives of believers and unbelievers, doing the work that He does best, the constructing of new lives out of the ashes of the old lives. 

Even today, He is still miraculously restoring relationships in His own unique way.  He is most worthy to be praised, and The One who goes before us, and fights our battles for us.  He is GOD, an ever-present help in time of greatest need, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Amen and Amen!


Till next time!





Since 2002, Hearts Blessing has been a pioneer in the area of knowledge and information written about the Mid Life Crisis. The owner and author of https://thestagesandlessonsofmidlife.org she writes articles that help people learn more about this confusing time of life. The main goal of this site is to help people know and understand that no matter what happens, every situation works out to the good of those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose. :)
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