An Honor I Had Never Expected to Receive

God works in very mysterious ways, His Wonders to behold. Everything He has ever given me has been a blessing in, and of itself. For me, the most important part of my work – past and present – has been the message written to help left behind spouses to understand the midlife crisis, and learn to cope with the midlife spouse’s various antics, and bad behaviors. To this day, I also spend time writing instruction and advice geared toward helping people begin their own journey toward wholeness and healing.

Over time, God has used me consistently, worked through me in so many ways. However, in doing God’s Work, it’s always been about doing unto others, as God had someone once do for me.

God encouraged me to give back what I’d been given, as I invested my resources, and time in my obedience unto Him, whose teachings have been invaluable to this work.

Yet, there are times when God reveals a surprise that exceeds all expectations. πŸ™‚ I knew God blessed, and increased my work, as He had said He would, but I never saw this coming.

Read on……

I was recently given an honor, I never expected to receive.

A part of one of my articles was quoted, and cited in this book:

The Making of a Dragonfly–Following Christ Through the Winds of Change by Mary Ethel Eckard

The article it came from:
The Hallmarks of the Midlife Crisis drawn from a forum post I had written in the past, where I list five hallmarks that would help people recognize a midlife crisis.

I received this email on April 10, 2018:

From: Mary Ethel Eckard

I have recently written a book about my journey through a divorce that I did not want. Your website helped me understand what husband was going through; I walked through this journey God’s way – allowing the husband to make all decisions, and I stood (and still stand) for marriage. I used you as a resource in my book. I would love to send you a copy of the book – I will link to your site through my site as well. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, the book is available on Amazon, “The Making of a Dragonfly” by Mary Ethel Eckard. Your website is mentioned and quoted in chapter 14, page 136, and referenced on page 138, and in the Works Cited, 202, 209, 210. Thank you for your work and your faithfulness to God. He used you to pull me through a great storm. The book doesn’t officially launch until May 11 – I’m trying to get foundational work done before the launch, and wanted to reach out to you and say thank you. Send me your address if you’d like me to send you a copy. Hugs. Mary

I was shocked, but delighted, and in due time, I received the paperback copy, plus a wonderful thank you note from Mary. πŸ™‚

I have also read through it – twice, and enjoyed reading this well-written book. πŸ™‚

It’s exciting but at the same time, very humbling for me, because the last thing I would ever have expected was for anyone to think that any part of my work was good enough to be quoted in a book they’d written.

She explains more about why she wrote her book here:

Mary’s story is a must-read for people who are suffering from broken hearts, and wondering where God is during this time. I can tell you from direct experience that He’s right there with you, just like always. πŸ™‚

I would recommend the book for reading, not just because I have a quote in it, but, more because this is a good Self Help book that tells Mary’s story in transparency, and truth. She reflects the life’s lessons she’s learned, while also reflecting on what happens when God calls, and one doesn’t answer the call. In addition, she illustrates God’s love, kindness, care, and patience, all along the way.

In Mary’s book, God reveals to her the same kind of instruction that He’d given me numerous times during my own experience. I see the clear reflection of the various Life’s Lessons that I’ve been teaching for all this time, the walking of the same journey that God had taught me to navigate. Most of all, Mary’s honesty, and transparency shows the absolute confirmation of what I already know about God.

God is most willing to guide you forward, if you will just set your mind, and your heart to the task of following His lead, His instructions, and be willing to obey Him in all things. Mary speaks of training herself, and her spirit to hear God (Godly Intuition) as He guided her along this path that has contained both pain, and gain.

During my own reading, I had a really hard time putting it down. A compelling read would be a very apt description. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll feel deep compassion for what she went through.

I would encourage you to read this book, because I promise it is worth the reading, and God’s Presence is evident throughout. ((HUGS)) In addition, please support the Author with a review on Amazon. ((HUGS))


Link to Mary’s site where you can find out how to purchase The Making of a Dragonfly”

Mary Ethel Eckard


Since 2002, Hearts Blessing has been a pioneer in the area of knowledge and information written about the Mid Life Crisis. The owner and author of she writes articles that help people learn more about this confusing time of life. The main goal of this site is to help people know and understand that no matter what happens, every situation works out to the good of those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose. :)
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