
A Personal Note from Hearts Blessing

Instead of writing a regular article this time, I decided to get a little more personal. You might not want to read it, because this is more about ME, than about the actual mid-life crisis. I know that I have an “About” page that tells you some things about me. I also have an existing “Welcome Page” that tells you a little more, but who IS Hearts Blessing?

The first thing I will tell you is that I am definitely a real person, who survived a very real mid-life crisis coming through with my long-term marriage intact. To dispel any kind of wrong rumors that might be circulating at the moment, I can assure you I am still married. However, it was not my marriage that made me a successful navigator of this life’s trial, it was my own personal journey that led to this successful point.

However, you will not see me mention my husband in my articles but very little, if at all.

Why? Because there comes a time in your life, when you will become very protective of your marital relationship to the point you don’t wish to expose your spouse to any form of future humiliation. So, you pay attention to more of what you say and do, because post-crisis you’re not just thinking of yourself, you’re also thinking of the impact it might also have on your spouse. This is the emotional place where I have been for quite some time, within my own particular ongoing life’s journey.

Make no mistake, I will take all steps I deem necessary to protect him, me, and our lives together. In the past, he and I have navigated many deep, and fast-moving waters separately and together over time. We learned a great many things about ourselves, and each other during the time of his mid-life crisis, and during my transitional period. No, he does not remember anything about the experience, and because he fully healed from it, he is not expected to remember.

The only reason I still remember, is for the sole purpose of continuing to teach these things, and if one cannot remember their experiences, plus what was gained from that experience, one cannot even hope to teach it to others. Because my healing was so complete, I am not tormented by all that I remember, and though my memories contain clarity, I see them as a “fact”, not a feeling.

To explain, there is an emotional healing that must complete before one can remember without emotionally “reliving” the experience. Had I not finished this process, and had the Lord not decided that I would return to teach this time of life, I would not be here now.

I deal in two areas: Expanding people’s knowledge within the area of the crisis itself, and I also teach its closely related aspect, the emotional journey—these two aspects are more closely connected than people will ever really understand, unless one opens their mind and heart, and chooses to receive these things.

Two things are known about me: (1) I am an emotional survivor of the mid-life crisis, (and of my own transitional period) having come out knowing a lot more than I knew before, and (2) I’m continuing to walk down a road of learning that I re-entered when I came back to the Internet a few years ago.

There are not many people like me out here on the Internet. Most people, when finished, (or think they’re finished), leave and go on to other things, plus, they need to finish emotionally healing within themselves–that’s why you don’t see a lot of information written on the latter half of the mid-life crisis.

By the time I finish my life’s work, years down the road, I hope to have rectified that problem of information that is so scattered, and in many areas, seems to be so lacking. I will make certain this information goes right into the hands of the people that will always need this for themselves. This is not an arrogant statement in itself, but spoken from a confidence of knowing what I know, through God, (who continues to teach me), and it’s what I know to be the TRUTH.

I will always tell you the TRUTH, based on what I have come to know, at the time that I know it, and I will NOT lie to you. Lying would only load me with a responsibility that would lead to serious consequences down a road that I would not want to have to face for myself. My knowledge continues to change, grow, and evolve over time. As I continue learning for myself, I gain a much better understanding of what I’m teaching through this particular platform.

I will also tell you that I am a spiritual person, who firmly believes in the very real spiritual side of every trial we will face in this life. I do not pull any punches when it comes to the speaking of good and evil. I know that one cannot believe in the existence of God, without also believing in the existence of Satan–and true to form, during the mid-life crisis, while God is working for the cause of good on one side, unfortunately, Satan is working for the cause of evil on the other side.

It’s true that while God is for me, Satan will always be against me, using every type of circumstance, he can create to see if he can rip me to shreds. It hasn’t worked yet, and as long as I make certain that GOD is the One who is always credited for everything that I am, and ever shall be, Satan can do his worst, while God will put forth His best.

However, I am still a human being, with feelings, wants and needs of my own. I fall down and make mistakes, that I have to ask forgiveness for, every day of my life. I am not a perfect person. There was only ONE perfect person who came to be with us, but was not like us, and He is now back with His Father in Heaven.

I will not tell you this is an easy work, because it is not. There is a heavy responsibility that comes with this bearing of the burden of knowledge, and though people have said they want what I have–I say no, you do not, because there is no gift on this earth given by God that does not bear a clear and heavy burden of responsibility to use it in a right way.
I remain in deep awe of God, and all He chooses to do in my life, as He continues to stand with me, help me, and keep me in His care.

With that said, I will keep fighting the fight, walking the road, doing the best I can to help others who are walking a road that I once walked myself.

However, this road, for me, is being walked in a whole different way than it was walked when I was writing all these things about the mid-life crisis long before. I find that hindsight is teaching me more than before, and I’m continuing to learn, and as I learn, I am passing it on to others.

Through the grace and mercy of God, the knowledge I have gained over time, has become vast, and as I learn more, my view continues to change and evolve into deeper Insight, because that’s how the gaining of knowledge, wisdom, and structuring this into various articles to help further people’s understanding, works.

A person doesn’t just receive a piece of Insight, and write it down right away. They must first process it, come to know it, and most importantly, come to understand it fully, before they can even begin to try and impart these things to other people so that hopefully, they too, will understand it. I have often thought that maybe I go a little too far in my own explanations, because I go a whole lot deeper than just the surface aspects of the crisis.

There is truly a “method” to this madness we call the mid-life crisis.

I have found that “over-delivering” in this area has helped to lead toward a much greater understanding within the people I continue teaching over time. While you can find everything I’ve written on the Internet, in one place or another, you cannot find it written in exactly the way I write it, and if you do, it’s probably because it’s in a thread, or in a message board post I had written in the past.

I can imagine people probably wonder if all I say is true, if a marriage can come through the mid-life crisis, whole, healed and intact. I still say that yes, it can. There is always hope as long as there is love in your heart.

With all of this said, I still do not claim to be the sharpest crayon in the box. I would have nothing to share, if not for God, who has given me everything. With His help, I will most likely be writing for years to come.

Much Love,

Category: Uncategorized
Since 2002, Hearts Blessing has been a pioneer in the area of knowledge and information written about the Mid Life Crisis. The owner and author of https://thestagesandlessonsofmidlife.org she writes articles that help people learn more about this confusing time of life. The main goal of this site is to help people know and understand that no matter what happens, every situation works out to the good of those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose. :)
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